
Kamis, 26 Mei 2011




1. What is a blog?

A blog is a personal site. Different website which every post have great difficulty using code extension. Html. Php,. Asp, etc, the blog is the automation of all the extensions page. So because it is automated, so we-we are all innocent who becomes ostosmastis technologies can post what we want just like us to post an email to friends or to the mailing list.

And because of this convenience, all the people who know the internet can create a blog or personal site, as well as dg have email. No wonder if the owners of blogs varies: ranging from domestic servants, housewives, vegetable huckster in Klewer market, the girls 'friendly' in the market Senggol, to professors and ministers.

2. How do I create a blog?

Just like email, create an account first in the free blog provider (provider hosting / domain blogs free). Most popular is http://www.blogger.com. For those of you who have little technological literacy can also create an account in http://www.wordpress.com and http://blogsome.com. Besides which two are still many free blog providers can reply you know later. Follow the directions step-by-step when registering.
3. After finishing the register / sign-ups in http://blogger.com, you can start to post / publish whatever you want on the blog: from the vent, poetry, short stories, writing seriously until a distinguished joke.

New Blogger

Since January 2007 the process of manufacture / registration / sign-up blog on blogger.com is more simplified, as follows:

1. If you have e-mail at gmail.com, you can simply log-in or sign-in at blogger.com -> new blogger -> enter the id / username plus your gmail password. And follow the next process.
2. If you do not already have e-mail at gmail.com, please create a (register / sign-up) once in http://gmail.com -> sign-ups. After so email gmail, visit http://blogger.com -> new blogger -> enter the id / password plus your gmail and follow the process of making the next blog.

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